All dreams came from "Interpret Dream" section. And only show the dreams which checked "allow to share with other dreamers".
It's not easy to share dreams with other people, we appreciated and thank you a lot.
2022-09-30 17:47:34
Pregnant woman with a child
Lucky Numbers: 06, 07, 11, 12, 36
2022-09-30 12:25:49
I dreamed myself naked walking down the street and people screaming she's naked and a woman selling vegetables talking to me
Lucky Numbers: 14, 16, 22, 25, 29
2022-09-30 13:45:30
Lucky Numbers: 06, 08, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21
2022-09-30 07:03:01
I dreamed being at school/classroom with with classmates and teacher,and we were writing a class work.
Lucky Numbers: 16, 20, 31, 35, 41
2022-09-30 08:20:37
Last piece of betelnut
Lucky Numbers: 14
2022-09-29 10:13:14
Beating my husband isaw with his ex wife
Lucky Numbers: 02, 14, 16, 31, 32
2022-09-28 13:07:37
Blue snake biting my brother
Lucky Numbers: 04, 05, 11, 13, 19, 31, 32
2022-09-28 12:22:18
I dream church people on 28 September
Lucky Numbers: 06, 09, 11, 17, 28, 41
2022-09-28 11:42:22
我那時候坐在後座叫我去前面開 說這台車要給我
Lucky Numbers: 09, 10, 19
2022-09-28 07:30:18
1, Ghost Grab my waist and disturbed me twice so
2, I started Praying to God
Lucky Numbers: 06, 10, 13, 23, 31
2022-09-28 09:41:52
I dream like change the gold coins
Lucky Numbers: 03, 12, 15, 25, 29, 31
2022-09-27 17:38:52
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 14, 21
2022-09-27 15:49:29
Lucky Numbers: 12, 13, 14, 18
2022-09-27 12:17:32
Lucky Numbers: 01, 16, 24, 25, 32, 41
2022-09-26 22:18:55
去一個地方 很想什麼mall或百貨公司,先到裡面一個喝飲料吃東西的地點,然後我說要去整個mall的另一端,朋友就帶我往那邊走⋯最後,我拿了個漁缸回家 (不是買的、已有裝水也有擺設),沒想到一覺醒來,魚缸裡面的魚卵孵化成小魚。我繼續睡,沒想到(在夢中)被嚇醒,因為突然有旗魚跟另一種差不多大的魚(很像是黃鰭石斑),一直在魚缸中不斷跳躍至少3次,最後一次有一隻黃鰭石斑從魚缸裡跳出來在我的床緣,我就趕緊把它送回魚缸裡。然後去翻看了一下魚缸,發現魚缸裡有好多好多上述的兩種魚。
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 08, 24, 30
2022-09-26 08:45:48
I was walking a puppy and it was stolen then there were bees following me and I shot the person that stole the puppy after they broke in my house and tried to rape me.
Lucky Numbers: 09, 15, 19, 22, 35
2022-09-26 11:58:29
I dreamed about meeting my friend on the street carring a firewood on the head and a lot of orange fruits
Lucky Numbers: 06, 11, 13, 17, 35, 37
P Michaels
2022-09-26 11:39:16
I dreamed of two trees that my dad planted, but now there is extra ordinary number of termites in that yard, but to my surprise, the tree are still okay even though surrounded by these massive termites
Lucky Numbers: 05, 06, 08, 11, 14, 18, 28, 33
2022-09-26 07:57:07
I was pregnant while I was walking with a friend when one men came around and
stabbed the person I was with many times there was blood all over the place
I fell down and
besides me was a note of R100
Lucky Numbers: 03, 04, 14, 24, 27, 31, 35
2022-09-26 11:10:37
Lucky Numbers: 04, 09, 14, 17, 24
2022-09-26 10:28:27
夢到睡到一半在床上有動靜,掀開棉被看見三條蛇纏在一起 顏色黑白灰,之後又叫阿嬤來看
Lucky Numbers: 03, 13, 18, 21, 36
2022-09-25 09:37:33
I was in the hospital being told that I had covid
Lucky Numbers: 16, 23, 25, 40
2022-09-25 12:54:20
I was at a party with three girls but I ended fallin inlove with one I ended up sleeping with
Lucky Numbers: 04, 06, 07, 17, 36, 38
2022-09-25 11:15:45
Lucky Numbers: 02, 07, 10, 18, 27, 30, 41, 47
2022-09-24 19:43:28
Lucky Numbers: 02, 05, 07, 11, 21, 27, 33, 41, 48
2022-09-24 09:12:05
I dream see a woman
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 17
2022-09-24 09:11:30
I dream that my little brother was dumb
Lucky Numbers: 02, 11, 13
2022-09-24 09:10:33
I dream that a woman was dead
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 09, 13, 17, 42
2022-09-24 07:30:30
Roofing my big building my father
Lucky Numbers: 08, 13, 18
2022-09-24 07:29:03
Helping Indian women on steps gave me 10 rand for helping
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 08, 17, 19
2022-09-24 06:18:00
In my dream a colleague and mine saw tiger killing and eating duiker in game farm not far from where kids were playing soccer
Lucky Numbers: 03, 04, 12, 15, 26
2022-09-24 12:01:55
i dreamed my mother that she played 2 digit lottery it called STL or jueting lotto with my number ,and then she show me a 2 pcs of 1 hundred paper money , she use those 2 hundred for play ,and she said she won.
Lucky Numbers: 02, 03, 15, 16, 19, 24, 27, 33, 36
2022-09-24 05:13:43
Dreamed me anf my friend and others in a room seems like there eas event at home
Lucky Numbers: 32, 35
Magnetic 1888
Dream that I gave someone a gold single key with number 59 written on it She took the key and put it in a tin cover and turned it.
Lucky Numbers: 01, 02, 08, 11
2022-09-23 08:00:57
I was driving a car in my dreams. I apply brakes when there were pedestrians
Lucky Numbers: 11, 16
2022-09-23 09:37:45
Lucky Numbers: 02, 04, 10, 20, 27, 31
2022-09-22 12:42:48
I dream myself in a helicopter
Lucky Numbers: 01, 13, 31
2022-09-22 09:44:39
I always drive in a car in my dreams
Lucky Numbers: 16
2022-09-21 16:21:07
I dreamed driving a car with a young man n having a toy gun police stopped us and took some papers and saw the gun we asked for forgiveness until they let us go
Lucky Numbers: 02, 13, 16, 19, 41
Riksan Marak
2022-09-21 19:18:18
Digging my own grave
Lucky Numbers: 01, 13, 44
2022-09-21 08:23:39
Dream of fighting with friend
Lucky Numbers: 10, 11, 15, 18, 22, 35
2022-09-21 08:23:08
Dream of screaming n shauting
Lucky Numbers: 14, 16, 19
2022-09-21 04:42:04
I dreamed of my late grandmother hugging and kissing me
Lucky Numbers: 19, 26, 30, 49
2022-09-21 07:46:36
Lucky Numbers: 02, 03, 11, 13, 14, 17
2022-09-20 12:09:57
Lucky Numbers: 06, 12, 19, 21, 35, 49
2022-09-20 09:12:27
I dreamt lastnight about me and my ex husband back together and that’s the worst dream I had😂because it will never happen.
Lucky Numbers: 02, 10, 28
2022-09-19 12:55:33
I dream again having R100 in my pocket send someone to buy head of cows
Lucky Numbers: 02, 05
2022-09-19 12:53:53
I dream about my boyfriend bought lot of pampers and tissues.and they put it in the board of cars
Lucky Numbers: 12, 22, 25, 36
Queen L
2022-09-19 05:36:26
I dream of my dead grandfather as well as seeing a lot of fruit trees on his farm with oranges, apples, pineapples and june plums. I also saw a lot of large fish in a water body that had a lot of dirt in it.
Lucky Numbers: 04, 08, 14, 17, 20, 23, 28, 48
2022-09-19 11:45:31
Lucky Numbers: 02, 03, 04, 09, 14, 17, 30, 35
2022-09-19 05:29:23
我們躲在一個斜坡下面是空的 我們遇到一個路人來組隊 殭屍突然出現在我腳下
4.在教室的時候我們在看影片我跑到前面反正後來我跟我有一個以前很好的國小同學 沒位置坐我們就出去不知道哪了。
一個完全沒印象性別 另一對是情侶 反正後來我開車開一開 遇到一個人拿著一個三角錐趴著還蹲著在路中間 我撞到他
Lucky Numbers: 02, 03, 09, 17, 22, 28, 31, 36
2022-09-18 12:52:27
Dreaming of a baby poop on your parm hand and part your body.
Lucky Numbers: 01, 06, 13, 24, 27
2022-09-18 08:33:50
Saw alot of R10, R20,R50 paper money.
Went to the toilet with deep cracked
Toilet had 3 boys sitting with pecies of tissue not saying a word. The other toilets
were lacking water. I said I will wait because I wanted to pee. The next thing a big black hairy
hand with long nails holds my neck... I sreamed and woke up.
Lucky Numbers: 03, 08, 18, 24, 28, 31
2022-09-18 08:08:33
Me and colleague driving in a truck down a hill road nearly caused accident at the robot
Lucky Numbers: 04, 11, 20, 26, 28
2022-09-18 03:24:58
Lucky Numbers: 07, 09, 10, 20
2022-09-17 20:13:48
Lucky Numbers: 05, 12, 23, 31, 35, 38
2022-09-17 12:52:10
Lucky Numbers: 06, 07, 11, 15, 22
2022-09-17 10:03:01
Lucky Numbers: 02, 09, 11, 16, 30
2022-09-17 02:38:07
Having sex with old woman she’s Christian and Having Braai with Friends
Lucky Numbers: 09, 10, 24, 26, 35
Jestina katuruza
I dream a Puma
Lucky Numbers: 15
2022-09-16 12:05:01
I dreamt my late granny showing me her soars to my surprise her left arm is amputated, all this makes me cry because Noone had told me about her condition, she is in this home there is alot of old people men and women
Lucky Numbers: 06, 07, 12, 19, 32, 33, 49
2022-09-16 10:21:26
Lucky Numbers: 09, 12, 13, 22, 28, 33, 39
2022-09-16 10:12:28
Lucky Numbers: 01, 05, 06, 16, 19, 25, 32, 40
2022-09-15 20:11:49
I had a dream I was amongst president candidates of two different parties. So my late mom was there and I introduced her to one of the President of another party
Lucky Numbers: 03, 15
2022-09-15 09:32:24
Searching for lost tickets
Lucky Numbers: 02, 10, 13
2022-09-15 10:17:08
I dreamt my boyfriend who is still alive as though he was dead
Lucky Numbers: 23, 25, 36
2022-09-15 13:19:23
I open my umbrella because it's raining outside.i wipe the poop with the tissue on the floor
Lucky Numbers: 03, 13, 23, 28, 31
2022-09-15 11:22:09
I Dream that i forgot my Wallet phone and important documents in a place and then i realised when i get back Home that i dont have Them then i comeback to a place where i went then one of my relatives found and keep it and give it back to me.What was that mean?
Lucky Numbers: 07, 10, 19, 24, 26, 41
2022-09-15 08:56:08
Lucky Numbers: 02, 08, 13, 25, 31, 32, 43
2022-09-15 07:59:28
I dreamed my grandpa and grandma they are both pass away already.
Can i ask
two digit lucky number for it?
Lucky Numbers: 02, 08, 11, 19, 21, 25, 45
2022-09-14 07:58:58
I dream about buying corns
Lucky Numbers: 10, 14, 24
2022-09-14 05:15:09
I saw a friend pulling what he said was an Elephant jaw with some kids
I was
in a house with French windows looking out then I went to the door and my dead father stepped in
smiling and tickled me he was in a white and black jacket suit. I woke up smiling.
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 12, 14, 22, 35, 48
2022-09-14 06:39:07
I was dreaming of a celebrity who has money the entire night. We were both gambling
Lucky Numbers: 08, 19
2022-09-14 03:58:30
I dreamt having any accident and injured legs of a friend.Then I got injured on my head.There was blood .Policeman man came.I was putting money notes in a small bag.One note(money) got tone into halfl
Lucky Numbers: 01, 02, 18, 26, 27, 33, 35, 41
2022-09-14 05:08:24
i dream about my dead father that he died without our knowledge.
father (born in 121154
Key Place:
Key Event:
visiting his hometown
Lucky Numbers: 04, 08, 16, 19, 26, 27, 41
2022-09-13 11:10:16
Two pregnant women fell down and I received 1000 cash bonus at my job
Lucky Numbers: 06, 07, 14, 27, 33
2022-09-13 15:39:34
Dreaming see yard with bright light on that yard there is stone and grass
Lucky Numbers: 07, 09, 12, 16, 26, 30
J The Dreamer
I was seating with my boss is a room facing each other, in that same room was my older brother's second born son. It looked like we were having a matured coversation and i was feeling comfortable with everything we were talking about. The boy was playing with fresh chips and sauces whilst me and my boss were trying to talk him out of playing with food. It looked as if my boss was blaming me for the haviour of the little boy whose name is Hakeem. The is barely 2 years old and he is very naughty in real life.
Lucky Numbers: 06, 15, 18, 25, 27
2022-09-11 16:58:59
Dreamt of a colleague calling me on the phone and a woman cutting a child's hair
Lucky Numbers: 02, 04, 17, 18, 26, 27, 33, 36
2022-09-11 10:37:24
I went the shop to play lotto and after playing it was raining and then I saw open graves and the next thing I saw dirty floading water
Lucky Numbers: 06, 09, 13, 16, 19, 31, 34, 42, 44
2022-09-11 01:27:05
I have been visited by a swarn of flies in my new place twice everytime i start frying, what does this mean?
Lucky Numbers: 03, 30, 32, 38
2022-09-10 06:32:44
I dream my cousin ask me to pickup 100 pound of goat meat for him
Lucky Numbers: 03, 07, 24, 29, 31, 32
2022-09-10 10:38:32
l dreamt soldiers in a helicopter shooting chasing some gangsters and shooting at them
Lucky Numbers: 01, 09, 10, 17, 22, 31, 47
2022-09-10 08:38:31
I saw something like a planet that was close to me suddenly it became small and it broke up. Inside it was a bread which i went to it and ate the bread but the was people which were fighting me not to get share the bread to other people
Lucky Numbers: 13, 22, 25, 39
2022-09-09 08:21:34
Pee on myself
Lucky Numbers: 11, 20, 24, 32, 35
2022-09-09 08:19:55
I dreamed my stomach was working l poop on a white paper but it slipped out of the paper it was loose poop and the colour was yellow
Lucky Numbers: 06, 17, 24, 34, 43
2022-09-09 04:38:49
I was in the house with my sister and someone came to report to us that my uncle died.immediately it's started raining and I was in the rain
Lucky Numbers: 07, 11, 12, 15, 17, 24, 31, 34
2022-09-08 22:41:43
Lucky Numbers: 02, 04, 12, 15, 23, 30, 37
2022-09-08 15:39:28
Lucky Numbers: 06, 14, 16, 26, 35, 36
2022-09-08 07:36:56
Lucky Numbers: 03, 11, 13
2022-09-07 12:30:51
Lucky Numbers: 12, 16, 19, 28, 32, 33, 35, 49
Huỳnh Hạnh
2022-09-07 09:14:39
Lucky Numbers: 03, 04, 12, 16, 20, 27, 37, 43
2022-09-07 07:58:11
Lucky Numbers: 07, 12, 15, 17, 21
2022-09-06 20:45:46
我在彰化老家 坐在沙發 我爸開門走進來 問我說為什麼感覺你很累 我跟他說壓力大 貸款多 我爸跟我說 不要把自己搞得這麼累 然後我跟我爸說不然抱幾隻明牌給我 我爸爸笑笑的不答覆
Lucky Numbers: 04, 06, 07, 08, 18, 38
2022-09-06 11:41:00
I have dreamt that I was chased by a crocodile that emerged from a dumbing site in the church yard and then I ran to the house where my children were and to my surprise my lover came in and we locked the doors waiting to see what next is going to happen, while we were waiting I saw a forest green creature that looks like a dinosaurs pursuing the locked door
Lucky Numbers: 07, 11, 17, 25, 34, 41
2022-09-06 10:15:23
Dreaming of my twin boys lost, and I got lost too while searching for them and I was helped by a stranger ( old woman) who gave me a lot of clothes
Lucky Numbers: 03, 16, 21, 22, 26, 33, 40
2022-09-06 08:16:17
I got in a bus and we got to a full river as I tried to cross I found myself standing in middle of the rivers on all my sides when I looked on the other side I saw the person I was with drowning and the other one disappearing while the river was still getting full reaching where I was standing, out of options on what to do I saw myself in water like I was swimming with something like mermaid or angel helping me, as I crossed a lady came running from something else I got in a horse cart only to find she is chased by a heyna and leopard and they changed to chase on me still in a cart they tried but couldn't reach me then there was an explosion and killed them , I woke up
Lucky Numbers: 03, 05, 07, 13, 18, 28, 29, 33, 39
2022-09-06 07:31:09
I dreamt myself peeing at the side of the road and l was trying to pee fast because l didn't want people was walking to see me
Lucky Numbers: 02
Ashton Rembani
i had a dream while in a journey walking by foot with my family, i was carrying a paperbag with eggs then suddenly i met my cousin for the first time who then asked me to buy her an exercise book, we walked until we noticed ourselves reaching our destination in a place in south Africa called Gauteng , that's all i could remember
Lucky Numbers: 03, 07, 13, 14, 26, 27, 32
2022-09-06 05:39:22
I was in a white car, and someone brought a broom from me.and saw four women wearing vintage clothes, and I pour water to one of them to wash hands
Lucky Numbers: 05, 14, 19, 21, 41
2022-09-05 19:45:45
Please note that this is a lucid dream that are felt so real. I suddenly woke
up on a sofa in a living room of my crush who's a woman. I remember I was there because we had a
party last night, but then I saw her mom talking with her friend in the dinning room so i
pretend to sleep again, and when i sleep i wake up in a real world, and i sleep again in the
real world and manage to wake up and continuing the same dream. But this time my friend is
infront of me doing a squat with a sexy white short with a pink flower pattern, the flower
pattern is like what patrick star pants in spongebob used. And then get up from the sofa and
trying to find my way out into the gate there's arround 2 to 3 dogs, 2 of em inside of a cage
and one of em with a chain. So I release all of them to cause distraction so i could get out.
However when i'm about to get out I realised that no one could see me, I was invisible. So i
sneak my way back in into her room and suddenly i saw her parent and trying to avoid them I sit
on a long chair near the wall, however her parent who's about to go out are about to wear shoes
so both of em sit on where i sat besides me, im in the middle. Then her mom suddenly touch my
hand and thought that's her husband hand, cause they couldn't see me but could feel me. When she
realized she's touching a hand i remove my hand and suddenly bot her parent are holding hands
and they're leaving. So i go into my crush room to have sex with her, however I saw her talking
with a friend and her maid, there she said something about her parents about to divorced but
somehow impossible because her parent been married for about 16 years. However it means that one
of her parent (could be her mom) might not her biological parent because she's 20 years old
already, so impossible for the marriage to be less than her age. Then when I try to reach her to
feel her hot body, suddenly I woke up. And couldn't get back to the dream again.
Just for
info I'm 21 years old male turning 22 this september
Lucky Numbers: 01, 09, 15, 18, 20, 33, 38
2022-09-05 19:07:06
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 08, 31
2022-09-05 06:59:46
Witch.. little girl...ghost and a house
Lucky Numbers: 04, 13, 25, 31, 32
2022-09-05 11:12:46
Lucky Numbers: 01, 03, 09, 24, 33
2022-09-05 04:04:23
I was picking up the mangoes and put them in a plastic
Lucky Numbers: 15, 20
2022-09-04 10:55:52
Laying down along the way in queue waiting for taxi with ants around me near its hole
Lucky Numbers: 03, 04, 09, 10, 24, 31
2022-09-04 11:33:34
Dream about eating lumpia with my friends
Lucky Numbers: 02, 32, 35
2022-09-04 02:27:43
Dreaming talking with my late sister
Lucky Numbers: 12, 22, 49
2022-09-04 00:37:17
Feeling sick and having money
Lucky Numbers: 26, 31
2022-09-03 14:53:45
I dreamed my lover was very sad and his younger brother came so I gave them space to talk
Lucky Numbers: 11, 13, 25, 29, 37
2022-09-03 12:25:55
Lucky Numbers: 17, 19, 21, 30, 31
2022-09-03 11:36:25
Lucky Numbers: 05, 07, 14, 27, 35, 41
2022-09-03 04:55:36
Grandpa speaking to grandson while playing soccer with his older sister
Lucky Numbers: 03, 07, 17, 20, 32
2022-09-03 08:27:39
Lucky Numbers: 02, 03, 08, 13, 33, 38
2022-09-02 11:30:04
I had a dream and i was with someone eating bananas and someone was leaving and i opened the fridge and there we're two bananas I gave one to the person I was with and eat
Lucky Numbers: 07, 10, 11, 24, 29
2022-09-02 09:20:27
Inlove witg a white lady, having son with a white lady, in love with a CEO white lady
Lucky Numbers: 12, 15, 16
2022-09-01 09:58:23
A group of different animals moving around
Lucky Numbers: 10, 16
2022-09-01 06:51:11
I was at work and it feels like someone used charms on me to lose concentraction,and l forgot to place customer's orders
Lucky Numbers: 14, 27, 28, 38
2022-09-01 06:31:01
so many eggs and mushrooms in our backyard and together my brother we collect them all.our parents fighting and I see two ladies
Lucky Numbers: 01, 02, 04, 11, 15, 20, 32, 33
2022-09-01 05:48:59
We will sleep on the side of the road
Lucky Numbers: 12, 14, 19, 20, 49